1/7620000000 Standards
About Body standards, Labour & Production.
All theories that are locating the human in the center of design are inventing and creating a new standardized, idealized and artificial human. Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, Henry Dreyfuss Joe and Josephine, or Le Corbusier’s Modulor considering the human body as the reference measure for design and architecture and creating a representation of a norm – a uniform and sterilized silhouette that is erasing all diversity, characters, peculiarities and uniqueness of the human body.
These sterilized silhouettes are becoming the fundament on which we are creating our environment, we are celebrating the reinvented body and we are forgetting the real and varied human. Everything unique must give way to the unified in order to understand, organize and categorize the world we are living in.
Everything must be rationalized, classified, standardized for reasons of price and mass-production. Our world is designed to please the standardized, artificial body and our environment is getting more and more detached from the real, unique human body.
1/7620000000 Standards proposes an alternative production system, in which the build environment is created and produced depending on the individual unique human body and not on a representation of a norm. In this scenario, the production of furniture is brought to the retail space. In micro-factories the so called “capsules” inside of stores, furniture can be made on-demand based on the real body of the user. Let’s create our own standards!
Concept and Design:Valerie Daude
Performance:Alvin Arthur
Images:Ed LewisMaster Social DesignDesign Academy Eindhoven 2018